Yoga Therapy Sequence: Yoga For Endometriosis
1. Standing Twist Against Wall
2. Standing Twist Against Wall
3. Upward Forward Fold Wall ( Ardha Uttanasana Wall)
4. Puppy Dog Pose Hands On Wall ( Uttana Shishosana Hands On Wall)
5. Garland Pose With Block Under Hips ( Malasana With Block Under Hips)
6. Seated Cow Pose ( Upavistha Bitilasana)
7. Seated Cat Pose ( Upavistha Marjaryasana)
8. Seated Torso Circles ( Kundalini Circles)
9. Seated Torso Circles ( Kundalini Circles)
10. Deer Pose
11. Deer Pose
12. Seated Straddle Pose Variation Sitting Upright ( Upavistha Konasana Variation Sitting Upright)
13. Revolved Seated Straddle Pose ( Parivrrta Upavistha Konasana)
14. Revolved Seated Straddle Pose ( Parivrrta Upavistha Konasana)
15. Upward Facing Seated Straddle Pose ( Urdhva Mukha Upavistha Konasana)
16. Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold Blankets Blocks ( Upavistha Konasana Blankets Blocks)
17. Candle Gazing ( Trataka)
18. Yoni Mudra
19. Easy Pose Variation Belly ( Sukhasana Variation Belly)
20. Corpse Pose Variation Side Bolster ( Savasana Variation Side Bolster)
1. Standing Twist Against Wall
A. Endometriosis could lead to a lot of body heaviness apart from abdominal pain and heavy bleeding. Hence, with these standing wall yoga poses, the idea is to stretch the upper body while focusing mainly at the core (center) while stretching.
B. Begin to stand in front of a wall at about 3 feet away. Take a few rounds of breathing keeping the back to the wall. Breathe deep while placing the hands on the belly and the chest to connect to the movement of the body.
C. From here:
Inhale - turn towards the left side twisting
Exhale - place the hands on the wall behind you and twist further.
Inhale/Exhale - stay in this Standing Twist Against Wall for about 6 breaths.
Inhale - to come back to the center
Exhale - rest and bring the arms down. Make sure the feet are always close to each other.
D. While this pose may not work directly with endometriosis, it reduces the symptoms leading to back aches and shoulder stiffness.
E. Stay as you breath while the entire focus should be at the navel (center). Try and pull the belly in gently (not in a rush) as you exhale. Not to be done if the pain is too much.
F. A great pose to work on the entire spine encouraging the flow of prana from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
2. Standing Twist Against Wall
A. Repeat with the other side in Standing Twist Against Wall.
B. Hold the pose for about 6 breaths close to 1 minute.
C. Inhale to release to come back to the center.
3. Upward Forward Fold Wall ( Ardha Uttanasana Wall)
A. Release from Standing Twist Against Wall and come to face the wall keeping 3 feet distance.
B. From Mountain pose in front of the wall:
Inhale - place the hands on the wall in front of you
Exhale - bring the torso in a forward bend.
Inhale/Exhale - stay in Upward Forward Fold Wall for 6 breaths.
Inhale - loosen the body
Exhale - go forward without pressing the belly too much.
Inhale - come up
Exhale - stand straight in Mountain Pose.
C. Make sure the arms are in line with the shoulders as you go forward. Taking the torso parallel to the floor relaxes the lower back and the hamstrings.
D. A great pose to reduce the heaviness around the abdomen while not putting too much pressure around the hips and the pelvis.
E. Focus at the navel while in this forward fold and try and be aware of any uneasiness. Breathe deep and watch for the movement of the spine along with the breathing process. At times just connecting to the body and the breathing process heals the symptoms faster.
F. Repeat it one more time.
4. Puppy Dog Pose Hands On Wall ( Uttana Shishosana Hands On Wall)
A. Releasing from Upward Forward Fold Wall, stand in Mountain Pose.
B. From Mountain Pose after taking a few breaths kneel in front of the wall keeping the same distance. From there:
Inhale - place the hands on the wall.
Exhale - push the chest and head towards the wall
Inhale - walk the finger on the wall upwards
Exhale - push the belly in and take the hips out.
Inhale/Exhale - remain here in Puppy Dog Pose Hands On Wall for about 6 breaths.
Inhale - loosen the body
Exhale - take the stretch with the arms and the belly deeper.
Inhale - release the hands from the wall
Exhale - come to sit in Vajrasana.
Repeat it one more time.
C. Using a blanket, yoga block is advisable.
D. Pushing the chest and shoulders, the lower abdomen will feel the pressure reducing the stiffness and the heaviness at the abdomen and lower back.
5. Garland Pose With Block Under Hips ( Malasana With Block Under Hips)
A. Release from Puppy Dog Pose Hands On Wall, and come to sit at the center of the mat in Malasana on a yoga block.
B. Place yourself comfortably on a yoga block or even a cushion while closing your eyes to relax the breathing.
C. Stay calm for about 6 breaths and keep the spine straight. Don't push the inner thighs in this pose. Keep the eyes closed to connect to the body.
D. A great pose to relax the hips and the pelvic floor muscles while the breathing will relax the body and the mind.
6. Seated Cow Pose ( Upavistha Bitilasana)
A. Release from Garland Pose with Block, and come to sit in Easy Pose on the cushion or on the floor.
B. Begin with the practice of moving the spine:
Inhale - place the hands on the knee and raise the chest and the neck taking it back
Exhale - take the spine in an inward curve.
Inhale - loosen the body
Exhale - stretch using the support of the hands on the knees.
Inhale/Exhale - to remain here for about 6 breaths in Seated Cow Pose
C. Deep breathing here while watching the chest expand along with the abdomen. This expansion brings about a gentle massage to the entire back opening the muscles around the spine. Focus on the center while in the posture and watch the gentle massage the lower abdomen gets.
7. Seated Cat Pose ( Upavistha Marjaryasana)
A. From the practice of Seated Cow Pose:
Inhale - expand the chest and the shoulders
Exhale - take the belly in and move the spine in an outward motion while curving the back.
Inhale - loosen the chest and the neck
Exhale - pull the belly in and lift the pelvis upwards.
Inhale/Exhale - stay here for about 6 breaths in Seated Cat Pose.
B. Make sure there is less pressure at the pelvis and the breathing is slow and steady. Seated on a yoga block or cushion is a better option.
C. A great way to massage the internal organs while also connecting to them while breathing. Take this practice to a spiritual level where with the breathing process the mind imagines the connections with the reproductive organs and the importance of the same for every women.
8. Seated Torso Circles ( Kundalini Circles)
A. Release and come to sit in Easy Pose.
B. From here:
Inhale - place the hands on the knees and extend the spine upwards.
Exhale - relax.
Inhale - begin to move the torso towards the left side taking the face and head towards the left side of the hips
Exhale - come towards the left side of the floor close to the left knee
Inhale - move towards the center and then right
Exhale - lift the torso up coming from the right side
Inhale/Exhale - moving in circles with the torso in Seated Torso Circles for about 6-8 breaths or 1 minute.
C. Moving the torso in circles is also called SUFI GRIND. This helps one to release all the tensions around the belly, lower back, pelvis area, abdomen, upper back and neck. At times just holding tensions at various parts of the body can lead to endometriosis causing discomfort.
D. While here make sure connections to the body and breathing process is happening always. It's the breathing that does the healing process in most cases of yoga poses.
9. Seated Torso Circles ( Kundalini Circles)
A. Repeat with the other side going in circles with the torso in Seated Torso Circles.
10. Deer Pose
A. Release from Seated Torso Circles, come to sit in Easy Pose.
B. From Easy Pose:
Inhale - bring the right thigh on the floor resting the right knee on the floor inwards (internal rotation of hip)
Exhale - sit to extend the spine
Inhale - place the right hand on the left knee and twist the torso towards the left.
Exhale - place the left hand on the floor twisting completely to the left.
Inhale - loosen the stretch
Exhale - twist moving deeper towards the left.
Inhale/Exhale - to stay in Deer Pose for about 6 breaths.
C. A great pose to massage the sides of the abdomen while also releasing the tensions around the pelvis. Make sure while exhaling the focus is the center point while you can gently pull the belly in.
11. Deer Pose
A. Repeat with the other side in Deer Pose holding the posture for about 6 breaths.
12. Seated Straddle Pose Variation Sitting Upright ( Upavistha Konasana Variation Sitting Upright)
A. Release from Deer Pose and come to sit with the legs spread wide apart in Seated Straddle Pose Variation.
B. While seated here, inhale, loosen the body and as you exhale, stretch the spine.
C. Keep a yoga block or a cushion below your sit bones for better comfort.
D. Stay here focusing on the inner thighs and the navel as you breathe. Remain for 6 breaths making sure the hips are comfortable.
E. A great pose to relax the hips while calming the mind with the flow of prana from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
13. Revolved Seated Straddle Pose ( Parivrrta Upavistha Konasana)
A. From Seated Straddle Pose:
Inhale - bring the left hand on the right leg, while twisting the torso towards the right.
Exhale - move the chest and the shoulders taking the spine in a twist
Inhale - loosen the torso
Exhale - twist further towards the right.
Inhale/Exhale - stay in Revolved Seated Straddle Pose for about 6 breaths.
B. A great way to twist giving a gentle massage to the abdomen while reducing the pain and the heaviness. Twists are a great way to activate the chakras making sure the organs get enough prana flow.
C. Keeping this posture make sure the focus is towards the center and the belly. Don't over do the twisting as we don't want to increase the blood flow.
14. Revolved Seated Straddle Pose ( Parivrrta Upavistha Konasana)
A. Repeat the twist with the other side.
B. Make sure the twist is done equally on both sides and feet the stretch around the abdomen while connecting with the breathing process.
15. Upward Facing Seated Straddle Pose ( Urdhva Mukha Upavistha Konasana)
A. From the Revolved Seated Straddle Pose, come to the center:
Inhale - place the hands on the floor behind you.
Exhale - extend the spine and take a few breaths while the legs are wide apart.
Inhale - raise the chest and the shoulders
Exhale - take the head and shoulders back, gently stretching the upper abdomen.
Inhale - to loosen the chest and shoulders
Exhale - stretch back and go deeper.
Inhale/Exhale - to remain in Upward Facing Seated Straddle Pose for about 6 breaths.
B. While taking the chest back, the gentle stretch at the abdominal area helps to pull the pelvic floor muscles, reducing aches and pains while allowing the flow of prana towards the pelvis. The Muladhara Chakra and the Swadhisthana Chakra are the focus points here.
C. The idea of this pose is to connect to the main points in the body while the breathing process is smooth and in a flow.
16. Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold Blankets Blocks ( Upavistha Konasana Blankets Blocks)
A. From Seated Straddle Pose Variation, come to rest in Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold using blankets and blocks.
B. Place blankets and yoga blocks in front of you and on your lap to make sure it helps to rest the forehead on them.
C. Exhale and bring the chest and the forehead forward to rest on the yoga block.
D. Stay in this relaxing posture for about 12 breaths. Breath and relax while watching the movement of the belly and the spine.
E. A great pose to practice without bringing pressure to the abdomen or the pelvis area.
17. Candle Gazing ( Trataka)
A. Release from the practice of Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold and come to sit in Easy Pose.
B. From Easy Pose begin the practice of Candle Gazing. Meditating is a great way to connect to the body, while clearing the mind of clutter.
B. Practicing Tratak, improves concentration which further develops on keeping the body and the mind away from unnecessary habits and thoughts respectively.
C. In this practice the students should go within, even while the eyes are opened. Focusing on the internal energy and the various organs that need healing is the true essence of Candle Gazing.
18. Yoni Mudra
A. Releasing from Candle Gazing, come to sit with eyes closed in Easy Pose for about 1 more minute.
B. Connect to the inner silence and inner peace while closing your eyes.
C. From there, come to practice meditation to encourage the positivity of the body and the mind.
D. During the moon cycle and with problems related to endometriosis, the body can be in a state of negativity. This negative energy sometimes adds more to the pain and the irritation of the body. Hence, meditation is always a good way to avoid building negative energy.
E. Seated in Easy Pose place the hands in Yoni Mudra against the navel. For understanding on how it is done please click on the title name on the left. Also understand the benefits of this practice at the description page.
F. Practice of mudras are always a great way of meditation and choosing the right mudra needs guidance.
G. Sit with the practice of this mudra for about 5 minutes or more. While in this practice keep the room quiet, dark and cool.
19. Easy Pose Variation Belly ( Sukhasana Variation Belly)
A. Release and sit to close your eyes in Easy Pose.
B. Stay here for about 2 breaths, releasing from Yoni Mudra practice.
20. Corpse Pose Variation Side Bolster ( Savasana Variation Side Bolster)
A. Release and come to lie down on your side, choosing the one that is comfortable.
B. Relax the body in Corpse Pose Variation Side Bolster.
C. Stay for 5-8 minutes relaxing completely. Using many more blankets, bolsters or even cushions for the head and the shoulders is good.